4 More Companies that Support the LGBT Community

Following the historic Obergefell v. Hodges ruling by the Supreme Court, LGBT members have a right to live their lives how they want, and no one should discriminate against them. After the 2015 judgment, numerous companies openly showed their support for the LGBT community. A good example is Target, which featured two same-sex couples holding hands for their wedding gift registry ad. On the other hand, Levi has a gay pride collection in support of the LGBT community. Below are four more companies that champion LGBT rights:


This Detroit based company is run by a group of transmen that design all the clothes for the line. The amount received from the sale of their clothes usually goes back to FtM Detroit - a support group for transmen in Detroit. The company specializes in tank tops, t-shirts, shoes, and gifts and other apparel. In addition, all their items have a message that shows support for the LGBT community.

Reference: FtM Detroit


Nothing exudes freedom like this company. Tomboi believe that fashion is gender-less. They design clothes for everyone without any labels. With Tomboi, it doesn't matter whether you're male, female, transgender, or bisexual, as long as you love the item, and it can fit you, you can buy it.

Reference: Tomboi


This fashion company is dedicated to championing LGBT rights. All their clothing have a message 'Pride' written in pride-themed colors. This company is run by a group of human rights advocates who believe in championing LGBT+ equality through voting, donations, and taking positive action, which is what resulted in the creation of OUTTIRE.

Reference: OUTTIRE

Kirrin Finch

This New York brand was started by two same female sex couples, Laura and Kelly Sanders Moffat, who thought that 'tomboy' looking clothes were boring and needed a little spark. The firm designs LGBT clothing that incorporates the traditional male and female fashion elements. Their products are also designed with eco-friendly materials, meaning that they support both LGBT rights and environmental conservation.

Reference: Kirrin Finch

These companies prove that LGBT rights have become mainstream, and if your firm is not doing it, it's missing out. However, the entire world is far from embracing LGBT rights. In some parts of the world, people are jailed for being gay, while others are attacked by community members. The good news is that these companies have shown that supporting LGBT rights is nothing to be afraid of; hopefully, other firms in other parts of the world will follow suit.

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